Folklife Festival - Bhutan
June 30, 2008
Honorable Minister for Home & Culture Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan , Mr. Minjur Dorji proposed a toast and thanked Indique Heights for a wonderful job done at the folklife festival.
Honorable Minister for Home and Cultural Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan - Mr. Minjur Dorji, his excellency Ambassador of Bhutan to the United States, Mr. Daw Penjo and the Bhutanese delegation at Indique Heights.
L to R : Mr.K.N.Vinod and Mr. Surfy Rahman
L to R : Mrs.Madhavi Rahman and Mr. Surfy Rahman
Executive Chef Abraham Varghese
Co- Executive Chef Balamurugan, Mr. Surfy Rahman,
Mr.K.N.Vinod and Co- Executive chef Abraham Varghese
Bhutanese folks at Indique Heights tent.
With my Bhutanese hat - keeps me cool !