Farmers Market by the White House
May 07, 2010
Chef Jose Andres at the Farmers Market by the White House
I have always been a big fan of the farmers markets and today when I heard that the farmer’s market by the White house was going to be open from 3 – 7 pm, thought would go and check it out. This is the second season for the market to open here near the white house on Vermont Avenue. It was a gorgeous day today in the Washington metropolitan area with temperatures in the mid 70’s.
By the time I finished lunch and got to the location, found parking etc it was about 5 PM. Celebrity Chef / Restaurateur Jose Andres was in attendance to kick off the opening of the market with free Paella for everyone. It was such a joy to see Jose Andres and catch up with him. He is a chef we all admire, full of energy, vigor, liveliness and a great sense of humor. One always gets energized after you spend some time with him. For those of you who missed watching Jose Andres on CBS’s 60 minutes – watch the one and only Jose Andres here…
Jose Andres on CBS's 60 minutes
Chef Jose Andres's Crew dishing out the Paella in the market.
Chef Jose Andres purchased some fresh vegetables and fruits on his way home.
Read more on : Obamafoodorama
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