Taste of the Nation - Washington DC
Sound Bites: Eat Well. Dance Hard. Do Good.

Farmers Market by the White House

Chef Jose Andres at the Farmers Market by the White House

I have always been a big fan of the farmers markets and today when I heard that the farmer’s market by the White house was going to be open from 3 – 7 pm, thought would go and check it out. This is the second season for the market to open here near the white house on Vermont Avenue. It was a gorgeous day today in the Washington metropolitan area with temperatures in the mid 70’s.

By the time I finished lunch and got to the location, found parking etc it was about 5 PM. Celebrity Chef / Restaurateur Jose Andres was in attendance to kick off the opening of the market with free Paella for everyone. It was such a joy to see Jose Andres and catch up with him. He is a chef we all admire, full of energy, vigor, liveliness and a great sense of humor. One always gets energized after you spend some time with him. For those of you who missed watching Jose Andres on CBS’s 60 minutes – watch the one and only Jose Andres here…

Jose Andres on CBS's 60 minutes

Here are some pictures from today’s market:

 Chef Jose Andres's Crew dishing out the Paella in the market.
 Chef Jose Andres purchased some fresh vegetables and fruits on his way home.
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Read more on : Obamafoodorama  

For more information about Farmers's Markets in the DC metropolitan area check out : freshfarmmarkets.org
