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January 2012



'Sunday Night Suppers' is a $550 per head dinner organized by Chef Alice Waters, Chef Jose Andres and cookbook author Joan Nathan to benefit the DC Central Kitchen and Martha’s table. The dinners are held in groups of 20 in private homes. Each dinner is hosted by two chefs and usually about 15 - 20 dinners are held simultaneously. Chefs are invited from different parts of the country and abroad.

This year, I was honored to be invited to host  one of these dinners along with Chef Ris Lacoste of Ris Restaurant. Ris and I met a week before the event and planned a menu. Given below is the menu that we served.I thoroughly enjoyed working with Ris. My only regret is that I should have asked somebody to take some pictures of the plated food...


My thanks to executive chef S.Balamurugan and my team for all their support. I would also like to thank Alexandra Perrotti , Daniel Korn, Marianne Helms , Jeana Harbison  who took the time out from their regular jobs to volunteer for a great cause. Last but not the least, would like to thank the lovely and gracious hostess Susie Tree for her hospitality and opening her beautiful home for us.

 With acclaimed Chef/Activist - Alice Waters and award winning cookbook author & TV personality   Joan Nathan at Joan's residence 

 Left to Right :ChefJoe Palma - West End Bistro, Joan Nathan, Chef Jennifer Carroll (of Top Chef)

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 L to R : Chef/owner - Ris Lacoste from Ris, Susie Tree the gracious hostess and yours truly.


    Chef Ris and I sat with the guests and generally had some interesting conversation about food.

      In conversation with Mr.Bill Yosses,Pastry chef of the White house and acclaimed author.

 The owners of the Jamison Farm, Sukey and John Jamison enjoying the dinner with other guests. Jamison farm lamb is all natural, raised free range in Western Pennsylvania, is antibiotic and hormone free. John tells me that their lambs are never confined and are fed striclty on grazing system.

 White house pastry chef and author Bill Yosses with my colleague executive chef S.Balamurugan at the dinner.

IMG_0358e With Sukey of Jamison Lamb and Chef Ris Lacoste at the dinner. A special thanks to John and Sukey for providing the incredible lamb chops  - Jamison Farm.

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    With Chef Nora Pouillon - who attended the dinner.

Overall it was a great experience interacting with such knowledgeable chefs. There is a lot to learn from each one of them in terms of their technique and approach to this kind of an event. It is really wonderful to know that DC Central Kitchen and Martha's table will benefit from this charity dinner and raised about $200,000/- dollars.


Restaurant Week - Extended at Indique, Cleveland park.

The Restaurant Week at Indique has been extended for another week till Jan 21, 2012. Please come and check out some of the new dishes on the Menu.

 Pork Belly, Veal cheeks, Achari 'Taco', Kokum Margarita and more....


DC Restaurant Week - January 2012


Folks, this is the time of the year, when holidays are over and people are slowly getting back to work. Our bi-annual Restaurant Week begins tomorrow. At Indique, we have spruced up our menu and have many new dishes!  Come and join us  for dinner - January 9 - 15, 2012.

The Restaurant Week Menu is available at -