Sips and Suppers 2014
February 02, 2014
Sunday Night Suppers is a $600/- per head dinner organzied by Chef Alice Waters, Chef Jose Andres and cookbook author Joan Nathan to benefit the DC Central Kitchen and Martha's table. The dinners are held in small groups of 20-25 in private homes around Washington DC. Each dinner is hosted by two chefs and about 25-30 dinners are held simultaneously. Chefs are invited from different parts of the country .
This year, I was once again honored to be invited to host one of these dinners along with Chef Daniel Asher from Linger and Root down restaurants, Denver, Colorado. A huge thanks to Maggie and Marcus Farley for opening up their home for us.
I am so glad to hear that this years events raised $500,000/- for the DCCK and Martha's table. Here are some pictures from the events and also the list of Chefs who participated in the event.
This is from the Sips event held on the 25th at the Newseum where guest paid $95/- per head to taste from the top restaurants of Washington DC.
Our day started on Saturday morning with a trip to the White house. Chef Bill Yosses briefing the chefs.
Irrespective of the number of times that you have been to the White house it is always a great feeling!
This is first lady Michelle Obama's kitchen garden during the peak of winter and here is a shot below of how it looks during summer!
Inside the White House kitchen Chef Bill Yosses chatting with the chefs.
Chef Bill Yosses came to greet and escort us. It is such a pleasure to know him. It is always very enlightening to spend some time with Bill.He is such a wealth of knowledge ; sometimes I wonder if he is a chef or a historian?
Maryland Rockfish, lobster koftas, coconut - kokum sauce, microgreens- lemon grass vinaigrette.
Chef Daniel Asher finishing the third course - Flight of Pickled and Fermented Edibles with Anchovy pear Kimchi, Calendula flower Sauerkraut, Pickled beets and kale, fax pumpkin seed crisps.
Chef Bala and Daniel plating the 36 hour Braised Aspen Short Rib with Crispy Brussels, Butternut celeriac puree and poached pastured Egg.
With the gracious hostess Maggie Farley and Chef Daniel Asher of Denver, Colorado.
With chef Carla Hall at the after party.
with Alice Waters at the brunch hosted by Joan Nathan at her residence.
At Joan Nathan's residence with the renowned cook book Author Nathalie Dupree
Overall it was a great experience interacting with such knowledgeable chefs.It is really wonderful to know that that one of my favorite institutions DC Central Kitchen and Martha's Table will benefit from these charity events.On behalf of all the Chefs, would like to thank each one you who came and supported this great event. My special thanks to Chef Bala and my team at Indique.
Thank you Jose Andres, Joan Nathan and Alice Waters!